Regulation of UK Private Investigations For Private Investigator Bedfordshire in Bedfordshire

Regulation of UK Private Investigations For Private Investigator Bedfordshire in Bedfordshire

2013 saw a declaration of intent by the Home Secretary of the government’s plans to have regulatory measures for private investigations (this includes Private Investigator Bedfordshire of Bedfordshire) through the SIA or Security Industry Authority. The Home Office announced in December 2014 that Government expects that the implementation of the initiation of the statutory certification of private investigation sector will become reality during the upcoming Parliamentary meeting, which began in May 2015. As of now, private investigation services licensing has not commenced.
The SIA will continue to work with the Home Office, which has the authority for presenting the management of the private examination sector. Continuously the SIA educate the public on the future regulation of private investigation services law and to work with the security industry revising the ‘Get Licensed’ standard to remain relevant. Information on likely timings will also be provided by the SIA once these are agreed with the Home Office.

Who are those who require a licence? (

The certifiable acts of private detectives have been defined by the Private Security Industry Act 2001 and state why private detectives need a license when licensing comes in, details are available from Private Investigator Bedfordshire In order to keep that definition updated, the Home Office plans to review it. Any queries on particular activities and their being licensable or not should therefore be addressed to officials of the Home Office.
According to license an SIA license is necessary for private investigators and private detectives if involved in any observation, investigations or inquiries that are carried out for the purposes of.

  • gather details concerning an individual or concerning services or regarding the location of an individual
  • gaining information about the background, or means in which and by which property has been harmed or lost. A certification will be obligatory for anyone that is offering contracted private investigation services
  • Managers, Supervisors, employees, employers and directors or partners of private investigation organizations are in included in it

There is no confirmation yet as to whether the Home Office also intends to come up with regulations for internal private investigations.
As used in the Private Security Industry Act, “director” is anyone who is an executive or non executive director in a company, a shadow director, parent company director or corporate entity holding a director’s position.
Services not required to be licensed as per the Act include.

  • activities particularly for the purposes of market research
  • services to determine credit worthiness
  • expert activities of working solicitors and Barristers
  • expert activities of practising accountants
  • professional undertakings by journalists and broadcasters, and actions solely connected to gathering information for use in broadcasting and journalism
  • services offered to the public contained in open registers; registers or documents fully accessible to individuals; and material that has been made public
  • undertakings conducted with prior consent and knowledge of the activity being gained and communicated to the subject


When one works as a private investigator without the necessary license, he will be given the following penalties.

  • having been convicted at a District Court, Sherriff’s Court or a Magistrate’s Court, the maximum penalty will be imprisonment for 6 months and / or fine not exceeding 5000 pounds

Sanctions for providing for unlicensed personnel will be.

  • The biggest punishment of six months imprisonment and / or a fine of up to £5,000, after summary conviction at a Magistrate’s Court, Sheriff Court or District Court
  • If found guilty at Crown Court, High Court of Justice or Sheriff and jury trial, an unlimited fine and/or a sentence of up to five years in prison

License ready Private Investigator Bedfordshire we are happy to declare that we have taken all the recommended training and have passed all the standards and tests and are now available for the license. What this implies to our current and future clients is that there will be no disruption of services during the shift.
Please give us a call on 01234 490027 if you are interested in finding out more about Private Investigator Bedfordshire who is located in Bedfordshire and covers local areas including, Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, Kempston, and the rest of Bedfordshire. Yu can also visit our website at for more details on our services and a good read on what our customers say about their experience with us.

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